Personal Best Running Program

Many runners have committed to racing a specific race or establish a qualifying time.  The Personal Best Program has been developed for the engaged athlete who is very likely running every day.  It understands that you have a base of fitness already in place and will help you correct common movement problems and add strength where it is needed, so you get more out of the effort you are putting in.  If you have set time goals for this season or maybe just want bragging rights on a segment, this program is for you. 

Achieve Your Personal Best!

Improved Distance & Time

Increased efficiency in running specific movements will make it easier for you to run longer and farther

Whole Body Focus

Focused training to improve activation, strength, and endurance to eliminate weak links

Increase Efficiency

Designed to address common mobility and strength issues to make you a more efficient runner


Get the Personal Best Running Program!

"The running portion of triathlons was holding me back.  Dr. Arnold took the time to sort out my mechanics and movement patterns. What seemed like small issues to me seemed like big issues to him and corrections were given. Over the next 3 months my times got better and running was easier."

Andrew T.

Start With the Running Prep Program!

The unique quality of running is that the repetitive motions occur thousands of times across multiple joints thousands of times every run.  This 2-week prep program develops your body to be ready to complete the Personal Best Running Program, with the goal to make you a better runner. 

Get the Running Prep Program

Running Isn't Overly Complex

While running isn't an overly complex activity, making sure your body is ready to run is crucial to being successful.  We developed the Personal Best Running Program to focus on the 3 areas that are vital to efficient running:

- being able to accept load at the ankle

- being able to accept load at the knee

- the ability of the pelvis to stabilize you while on 1 leg

The exercises in this program are structured to work on those 3 areas in order to increase mobility, strength, and stability.

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